Ryan "Count Drunkula" Daly of the Black Canary blog Flowers & Fishnets has played casting director for a Warner Brothers Doom Patrol film! I mostly like his picks, though I did successfully talk him into recasting Steve Dayton. Check out the heroes and villains casting sheets!
Count Drunkula Casting Department
- Superman Family
- Superman Supporting Cast
- Superman Foes 1
- Superman Foes 2
- Batman Family
- Batman Supporting Cast
- Batman Foes 1
- Batman Foes 2
- Batman Foes 3
- Wonder Woman
- Flash Friends
- Flash Rogues 1
- Flash Rogues 2
- Firestorm Fans
- Firestorm Fiends
- Green Lantern Core
- Green Lantern Corps
- Green Lantern Cretins
- Green Lantern Corpses
- Green Arrow
- Hawkman & the Atom
- Martian Manhunter
- Shazam!
- Teen Titans
- Young Justice
- Titan Terrors
- Justice League
- JLA villains
- JSA 1
- JSA 2
- JSA 3