And just in time to get a snazzy new logo. The Outsiders are dead; long live the Outsiders.
PS: The idea of the Outsiders (or, more accurately, a subset thereof) being written by Grant Morrison in Batman, Inc. is actually less appealing to me than the characters simply going on the shelf for a while.
I don't know anything about this finale or Nu plans. More please?
I liked Dini's use of the team as back up's to Batman in the aftermath of R.I.P. I think if Morisson could ever be bothered he'd probably do good things with them.
In the previous issue, Geo-Force repelled the attack of Veritas, who has been manipulating him for months, displaying nearly godlike levels of power by raising a gigantic stone wall around the entire country of Markovia. Meanwhile Amanda Waller ordered a nuke dropped on the country, telling Batman to stay out of there. At the start of this issue, Bats hacks Waller's system and stops the bomb, then shows up in the castle, saying that the "civil war" is over and the Outsiders will answer to him. Geo-Force blasts off and Batman leaves with the others, leading to King Brion's brooding as seen in the image.
As far as Nu plans, there are none known save for Katana in that Birds of Prey disaster. Evidently several members of the team are now under the command of Red Robin in Batman, Inc. as Batman's black ops team.
Morrison handling the Outsiders fills me with dread. At least he doesn't have Geo-Force. But him writing Halo? Or Katana? Ugh.
Thank you, sir!
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