Let's Glonth again, like we did that summer! Yeah, let's Glonth again, like we did in that year (1992!) Since Glonth was one of the best and most prolifically employed Bloodlines parasites, I'm surprised it took so long to finally locate a model sheet for his alien form. Now I've almost got a complete set to show off for this blog, but Pritor remains ever elusive!
The trouble is doubly odd because art from this design turned up not only in the Bloodlines trading card set, but in almost every DC Comic cover dated June 1993. Glonth was shown tearing through the editorial page "DC Universe 8," which while a cute breaking of the fourth wall, is kind of self-defeating from a marketing perspective. You see, Glonth obscured copy related to the Bloodlines event, when he maybe should have veered toward the "Metropolis Kid" or the announcement about DC's rotissery baseball league. Also worth noting was that Glonth was colored differently both times (the ad coming closer than the card.)

There's a batch of Bloodlines Parasite scans taken from reference material sent out to creators on the annual event, and they're courtesy of "The Online Home of Chuck Dixon," THE DIXONVERSE!. Check out all of his offerings in this gallery!
Wow! I'm glad to see you found these. I remember first seing them in an issue of Previews just before the series came out.
I've always loves Arthur Adams' designs and always wished someone would make figures out of them. Even if they were only Heroclix figures, at least then we could get some really neat monsters to pit against our heroes...
Thanks for the great work!
I've come to regret dumping all my Previews/Advance Comics in the recycle bin a decade or so back. Stuff like this would be fun to still have in print.
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