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Bloodlines: Outbreak is nearly over! Before the first quarter of the event closes, we meet ex-S.W.A.T. officer Kelvin Mao in his insectoid exoskeleton, and a new blond Batman who is never positively identified throughout the story (with the reasons for his replacement only alluded to.) Guess that means we should also look at the Batman: Sword of Azrael mini-series and do an overview of Knightfall/Knightquest/KnightsEnd to better understand what Jean-Paul Valley is doing here. I once did a wine tasting tour in the Jean-Paul Valley. That's a joke I now regret because it conjures imagery I hadn't considered before making it. Where was I again? These were not engaging stories, so I keep getting distracted, but you can follow along with 1993's Batman Annual #17 at Scans Daily and get a deeper dive on the Azrael mini-series at NOT BLOG X.
This episode's non-paying advertisers: Spill Some Blood!!!* *across social media only.
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