Ward Sutton unmasks the candidates as comic ‘superheroes’- Washington DC Reboot
- 9-9-9 Shazam!
- The Flash in the Pan
- Mitt-amorpho
- Tea Titans
- Wondering Woman (Wasilla's Own!)
- Injustice League of Corporate America
- Inaction Comics starring Semi-Superman
Australia to Offer Official DC Comics Vehicle License Plates
Already high on the list of "if I could move to anywhere" places for its beautiful landscapes, excellent weather, and exotic wildlife, Australia has given superhero fans another reason to emigrate: official DC Comics license plates. Click after the cut to check out the options for Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash and Supergirl, all of which will only enhance the beauty of Australia.Zatanna And Emma Frost Come To Superhero Parody Porn XXX. In 3D.
Superheroine 3D featuring Alexis Texas playing Emma Frost and Chanel Preston as Zatanna...Best Art Ever (This Week) - 11.11.11 (<----OMG)
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) - 11.07.11
The Absorbascon
Cool and Unusual
Amazon Princess
The Donnas
The Aquaman Shrine
Brave and the Bold: "Powerless!"
Justice League #2 - Nov. 2011
Young Justice #7 - Oct. 2011
Aquaman Shrine Interview with Geoff Johns
DC Super Heroes - "Prisoner of the Stars"
The Fire and Water Podcast: Episode 6
Aquaman (Vol.8) #2 - Dec. 2011
Atomic Surgery
The Lady In Black! by Nick Cardy (1958)
Being Carter Hall
Hawkman by Joe Jusko
Brian Bolland's Blog
Yet another detail from Camelot 3000.
Bronze Tiger
Harley Ouinn: Crazy Sexy Cool
Comics Make Me Happy!
Adam Strange by Ardian Syaf
DC Fifty-TOO!
ALL-OUT WAR #1 by Aaron Gillespie
BAT LASH #1 by Daniel Schneider
INFERIOR FIVE #1 by Bruce McCorkindale
PLASTIC MAN #1 by Jon Morris and Stephen DeStefano
ZATANNA #1 by Eric Bonhomme
DC Women Kicking Ass
The shoes inspired by DC Comics that NEED to come to the states
Diana Prince: Wonder Woman
10 WONDER WOMAN Stories Worth Checking Out
2009 "The Wonder Woman" Watercolor by Shelton Bryant
Diversions of the Groovy Kind
Green Arrow in "Nothing but a Man" from World's Finest #255 (November 1978)
"Death's Bridegroom!" from Ghosts #1 (1971)
Neal Adams' Elongated Man in "Secret of the Waiting Graves" from Detective Comics #395 (October 1969)
Starfire #1 (1976)
"Battleground: Oa!" from Green Lantern #127 (January 1980)
Firestorm Fan
Firestorm and The Hero Initiative JLA Covers
Firestorm Icons for Your Desktop
Big Bang Theory – Sheldon Wears Firestorm
Firestorm RPG Stats from DC ADVENTURES by Green Ronin
Yildiray Cinar sketch from NYCC for FIRESTORM FAN
Eddie Earhart – The Man Who Created Firestorm
Happy Halloween from FIRESTORM FAN!
The Idol-Head of Diabolu
2011 Spitballin' Comics Miss Martian Week
2011 Pleasure Chests - Martian Manhunter ACEO Sketch Card
The Top 20 Martian Manhunter Covers of the 1960s
2011 Teen Titans #100 Pin-Up by Amy Reeder
The Vile Menagerie: RIO FERDINAND
4th Year of Diabolu
Stormwatch Sourcebook #1 (January, 1994)
Justice League Detroit
2010 The Vixen art by Rajinder Kaur Randhawa
Kevin Nowlan
Remembering Bob Oksner...
1986 Outsiders Annual cover art
Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine
The Phantom Lady and the Blue Beetle (1947)
Kubert's Newsboy Legion in Star Spangled Comics #50, 1945
Ibis the Invincible #1, from 1942
Captain Marvel in "World Of Your Tomorrow" from America's Greatest Comics #7
Power of the Atom
Thunderbolts' Customs Captain Atom & Nightshade Action Figures
The Quality Companion Companion
1983 Interview with Will Eisner about Blackhawk
The Spirit Quality Index
Ralph Dibny, the World-Famous Elongated Man
The Elongated Man and the Silver Age Timeline!, pt. I: Pre-Classic
The Elongated Man and the Silver Age Timeline!, pt. II: Classic
The Elongated Man and the Silver Age Timeline!, pt. III: Post-Classic
The Elongated Man and the Bronze Age Timeline!
Silver Age Comics
Silly Panel Saturday
Subject : THE SUICIDE SQUAD (Task Force X)
Suicide Squad #3 review
Supergirl Comic Box Commentary
Review: Superboy #2
Review: Legion Lost #2
Review: Supergirl #2
Review: Legion Of Super-Heroes #2
Review: Superman #2
Polly Pocket Supergirl For Halloween
Adventure Comics #408
The Thought Experiment
Daily Batman: the Long Halloween

Review Section
Comic shop comics by J. Caleb Mozzocco
"The Phantom Stranger don't shiv!" (Nov. 10th's comic shop comics)
Comic Judgment by Girls Gone Geek
Stream of Comicsness – Week of 11.02.2011
Wednesday Is Any Day For All I Care by Diabolu Frank
#125: Leftovers
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