Putting Frank Miller’s Words Into Batman’s Mouth
A scene from Batman Year One, rescripted…The Geoff Johns Literalism Method: A Primer
What is it that Geoff Johns does so well when it comes to revitalizing characters? It's very simple: reduce the character or team into a single core idea and rebuild every aspect of the mythology around that idea. I've termed this "Johnsian Literalism," and it's an approach that's becoming more widely used.Superman Trolls the Golden Age Flash in Kerry Callen's New 'Super Antics'
Nuno Plati Tears it Up With Elektra, Green Lantern, Iron First and More [Art]
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) - 11.14.11
Awesome Art Picks: Robin, Emma Frost, Captain America and More
The Absorbascon
Veteran's Day
The Secret Sanctuary
Amazon Princess
Tom Bancroft
The Aquaman Shrine
Aquaman Meets Ace Kilroy!
Brave and the Bold: "Crisis: 22,300 Miles Above Earth!"
Black Manta and The Octopus Army
The Aqua-Family by Luke Daab
Young Justice - "Homefront"
AquaSketch by Jason Ho
South Park Aquaman
Armagideon Time
Nobody’s Favorites: Arion, Lord of Atlantis
Being Carter Hall
The Savage Hawkman #6 Advanced Solicit!
Brian Bolland's Blog
Here's a cover I did for Lobo.
DC Fifty-TOO!
GEN13 #1 by Jim Rugg
JUSTICE RIDERS #1 by Dennis Culver
LEX LUTHOR #1 by Mark Stockbridge
LIBERTY BELLE #2 by Joel Priddy
OMAC #1 by James Edward Clark
WORLD'S FINEST #1 by Ron Salas
Diana Prince: Wonder Woman
Justice League: Cry for Justice #1 (September, 2009)
Justice League: Cry for Justice #5 (January, 2010)
Justice League: Cry for Justice #6 (March, 2010)
Justice League: Cry for Justice #7 (April, 2010)
Diversions of the Groovy Kind
"Horoscope Phenomenon or Witch Queen of Ancient Sumeria?" from Weird Mystery Tales #1 (April 1972)
"Don't Look Now!" from House of Secrets #153 (June 1978)
Man-Bat in Detective Comics #'s 458-459 (January-February 1976)
The Top 5 Marvel/DC Should-Have-Beens of the Groovy Age
The Batman in "Murder in the Night" from Detective Comics/Batman Family #481
The Batman in "Night of the Body Snatcher!" from Detective Comics/Batman Family #482 (November 1978)
Firestorm Fan
Firestorm and The Hero Initiative JLA Covers
John Ostrander’s farewell letter from FIRESTORM #100
October Comic Sales Figures
Girls Gone Geek
Big Barda by Reilly Brown
Poison Ivy (and Batman) by Sergio Quijada
The Idol-Head of Diabolu
The Brave and the Bold #152 letter column poll (July, 1979)
2009 Miss Martian & Krypto art by Chou-Roninx
The Vile Corpus: Maxwell Lord
Return to the Rogues of Wikipedia
Reviews of Diabolu: Stormwatch #2
What is The Vile Menagerie?
The Vile Menagerie Redux
Jim Shooter
Comic Book Distribution
Comic Book Distribution - Part 2
Justice League Detroit
2007 The Vixen art by Rocky Howard
2011 Aquaman Watercolor by Shelton Bryant
Kevin Nowlan
Pencils for the Legends of the Dark Knight #101 cover
Death Gallery sketches: 1994
Once Upon A Geek
Where The Heck Has Shag Been?!?!
Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine
"George Washington's Drum" from Superboy #2, 1949
"The Mark of X," from House Of Mystery #2, 1952
Hawkman in The Brave and the Bold #44, 1962
Veteran's Day 11/11/11
Power of the Atom
2011 The Atom negative charge Watercolor by Shelton Bryant
The Quality Companion Companion
The Blackhawks of Earth-One
Ralph Dibny, the World-Famous Elongated Man
Surviviors of the Golden Age!
Top 10 grounded DC characters.
The best of the new 52
Silver Age Comics
The Iron Giant
Supergirl Comic Box Commentary
Mahmud Asrar's NYCC Commissions
Review: Action Comics #3
Review: Hawk And Dove #3
HERO Initiative JLA #50 Covers
Back Issue Box: Daring New Adventures Of Supergirl #1
Dan Brereton Commission

Review Section
- Comics shop comics: Nov. 16th by J. Caleb Mozzocco
- G3 Review: Free Enterprise
- Wednesday Is Not-So-New 2+2 #126 by Diabolu Frank
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