Oi vey! Seriously, how long can I keep this up? I was going to call this the Hanukkah edition, but despite running two days later than planned, I didn't quite reach that point...
Joe Simon (1913-2011) and Ed Barreto (1954-2011)
Joe Simon, one of the most influential figures of the Golden Age of Comic Books, has passed away, according to multiple reports later confirmed by Marvel Comics. He was 98.Eduardo Barreto, the artist best known for his work on DC Comics' "New Teen Titans" in the '80s and, more recently, the "Judge Parker" newspaper strip, has passed away. He was 57.
Steve Pugh Back On Animal Man At DC Comics
Other changes for March at DC that we may not have known about before include...DC To Publish Batman: Black And White Sequel
The collections have become perennial best sellers, while providing material that appears in other collections such as Killing Joke.Obsolete Inking
I doubt your average comic book reader can tell the difference between digitally produced work and traditional work, nor would they care. I certainly wouldn’t want to lose traditional inking, but I could see it happening in most but a few cases.Wonder Woman, She-Hulk, Storm and Catwoman for Breast Cancer Prevention
Mozambique Fashion Week's breast cancer campaign is a collaboration with the office of first lady Maria da Luz Dai Guebuza.Comicvine's The 50 Greatest Moments In Comics: #20-11
Not awful selections for a top list... of a hundred or two... towards the back end...Whatever Happened To… The 1988 Death Of Superman?
If you go back and look at stories between 1988 and 1992, you find several story situations that kept pointing at the Sand Superman door.LBFA Presents: What's Your Greatest Christmas Wish? [Original Comic]
Man on the street reporter Clark Kent is back to ask the question of the season: What's your greatest Christmas wish?Daniel James Cox Paints With Blockbuster Style [Art]
DC Comics In Cardboard Form
We showed off Ryan Hall‘s Doctor Who cardboard display at Orbital Comics in London. He also has a display of DC superhero and supervillains right next to it. £25 a piece, aren’t they just adorable?Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) - 12.12.11
Awesome Art Picks: Captain America, Iron Man, Psylocke & More
Best Art Ever (This Week) - 12.15.11
The Absorbascon
JLA HQ: Split-leveling the scene!
JLA HQ: The Origin of Happy Harbor
JLA HQ FORTNIGHT: A Tornado is a disaster, by the way
The Aquaman Shrine
Justice League of America #200 30th Birthday!
Young Justice #9 - Dec 2011
Multi-Tasking: The Work of Bill Walko
An SNL Digital Short: "Batman"
General Mills: Justice League #4
Aquaman Art Gallery: Dustin Nguyen
Aquaman Shrine Interview with Joshua Williamson
Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #29 - Nov. 1961
Young Justice - "Revelation"
"Thrifty" Mego Ad - 1973
Aquaman Light-Switches
Armagideon Time
Nobody Else’s Favorites: Hourman
Nobody Else’s Favorites: Young Heroes in Love
Being Carter Hall
Gentleman Ghost Temporary Tattoos!
Funko POP Vinyl Hawkman
Brian Bolland's Blog
unused idea for an Invisibles cover
DC Fifty-TOO!
CLAYFACE #1 by Alex Cox
DIAL H FOR HERO #1 by Bill Walko
POLICE COMICS #1 by Eric Schock
PREZ #1 by Jake Ekiss
THE SPECTRE #1 by Tait Howard
Diana Prince: Wonder Woman
The Top 20 Wonder Woman Covers of the 1980s
Fetal League of Utero
Diversions of the Groovy Kind
"The Ice Age Cometh!" from Justice League of America #139 (Thanksgiving 1976)
Batman in "Death-Kiss" from Detective Comics #456 (Thanksgiving 1975)
Seven Soldiers of Victory by Samachson, Dillin, Chaykin, Elias, and Grell
Seven Soldiers of Victory by Samachson, Chua, Garcia Lopez, and Dillin
"The Captain Marvel of 7,000 B.C." from World's Finest #262 (January 1980)
The Dork Review
Green Arrows Arsenal and Car
1988 Super Powers Calendar
Superman's Supermobile
Frank Miller's Superman
Copycat Cover: Carmine Infantino and Murphy Anderson's Batman and Robin
Cool Pin-Up: Carmine Infantino's Flash Family
Superman VS Flash Race
The Mystery of the Human Thunderbolt Part 1
Legion of Super-Heroes Model Sheet
Jack Kirby's Super Monster Model Sheet
Every Day Is Like Wednesday
Reveiw: Batman: Birth of The Demon
Firestorm Fan
November Comic Sales Figures
Unusual Suspects: Darkseid versus Firestorm
Firestorm Fan's Pozhar Week
Mikhail Denisovitch Arkadin
Mikhail’s Fashion Show
Supporting Cast
When Mikhail Met Jason
The New 52
Four-Color Shadows
500th Post!--Batman-Jerry Robinson, et al-1942
Giant-Size Geek
Berni Wrightson Wraparound Swamp Thing Covers
Mike Grell Legion of Super-Heroes Treasury Covers, Re-mastered
SHAZAM! A Galley of Captain Marvel Pin-Ups by Wieringo, Aparo, Newton, Hembeck and Stevens
Amazing Heroes: Crisis on Infinite Earths covers by George Perez
Amazing Heroes: Post-Crisis Superman cover by John Byrne
Amazing Heroes: Post-Crisis Batman Year-One Cover by David Mazzucchelli
George Perez: Post-Crisis Wonder Woman cover from Amazing Heroes
1970s era Neal Adams poster featuring Batman, Deadman, The Spectre & Green Arrow!
Superman Gallery 1993 Wraparound Cover by Walt Simonson
Brian Bolland Wonder Woman cover from Amazing Heroes 197
George Perez: Teen Titans Poster, Amazing Heroes, Newsletter covers
Girls Gone Geek
2011 Memorable Moment: Damian Goes Dark
The Idol-Head of Diabolu
The Top 10 Martian Manhunter Covers of the 1980s
2010-2011 The Justice League of America 100 Project charity art by George Pérez
2011 "Martian Babe" by Jeremy Sorrell
Justice League Detroit
The Top 10 Aquaman Covers of the 1980s
2009 The Vixen art by Marcio Pazin
Kevin Nowlan
Golden Age Star Sapphire vs. Alan & Jay
One more DC card: The Joker
Batman and Solomon Grundy: Wrightson pencils, Nowlan inks
Power of the Atom
The Top 10 Atom Covers of the 1980s
The Quality Companion Companion
Paul Gustavson Stamps from Finland
Mark Evanier discusses Blackhawk and Plastic Man
Ralph Dibny, the World-Famous Elongated Man
Mystery of the unidentified Dibny pics (help needed!)
The Case of the Elongated Thing
Ralph Dibny, the Elongated Man: Personality Profile
Silver Age Comics
Tomahawk #81
Subject : THE SUICIDE SQUAD (Task Force X)
To all the belly aching Harley Quinn fans, when words aren't enough it's time for some specialized fan art
Supergirl Comic Box Commentary
Review: Action Comics #4 Steel Back-Up
Review: Hawk & Dove #4
More From Jamal Igle's Blog
Review: Superboy #4

Review Section
Comics shop comics: December 14 by J. Caleb MozzoccoThe Buy Pile by Hannibal Tabu
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