An interesting aspect of the Mayfair '89 card set was that beyond the 75 DC name brand cards, there were an additional three blanks to use in creation of your own characters. That's all well and good, except that each of the three also included a DC copyright, which could be taken to mean that DC claims ownership of any characters placed on those cards. I wouldn't expect the matter to ever go to court, because it isn't like anything folks came up with wouldn't be a multi-generational carbon copy of a preexisting DC character, but it still rubs me the wrong way.
The cards were not themselves numbered, but I thought listing them in alphanumeric order would be helpful, and it certainly paid off when I missed listing Manhunter Mark Shaw on my first pass...
- Animal-Man
- Aquaman
- The Atom
- Batman
- Big Barda
- Black Adam
- Black Canary
- Black Orchid
- Blackhawk
- Blue Beetle
- Booster Gold
- Bronze Tiger
- Captain Atom
- Captain Boomerang
- Captain Marvel
- Catwoman
- Changeling
- The Cheetah
- The Comedian
- Count Vertigo
- The Creeper
- Cyborg
- Danny Chase
- Darkseid the Destroyer
- Deadshot
- Doctor Fate
- Doctor Light
- Dr. Manhattan
- Duchess
- Elongated Man
- Fire
- Firestorm
- The Flash
- Gnort
- Green Arrow
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
- Green Lantern (John Stewart)
- Guy Gardner
- Hawkman
- Hawkwoman
- The Huntress
- Ice
- Jericho
- John Constantine
- The Joker
- Jonah Hex
- Lex Luthor
- Manhunter
- Martian Manhunter
- Metamorpho
- Mister Miracle
- Mr. Mxyzptlk
- Nightwing
- Nite Owl
- Ozymandias
- The Penguin
- Plastic Man
- Power Girl
- The Question
- Raven
- Robin deceased
- Rocket Red
- Rorschach
- The Sandman
- Sergeant Rock
- Shade the Changing Man
- Silk Spectre
- The Spectre
- Starfire
- Starman
- Superman
- Swamp Thing
- Troia
- Vixen
- Wonder Woman
- blank card
- blank card
- blank card
This concludes Mayfairstivus 2010. I was surprised by many of these selections, as well as some omissions, but maybe we'll catch 'em all next year. Special thanks goes out to...
*Tom Hartley, for the inspiration and solicitation.
*Shag, Boosterrific & Anj, for the quality and quantity of their posts.
*Everyone else who participated and made this such a fun event.
If you wonder what this mess was all about, I'll let Albert explain it all, not to mention sing The Super-Hanukkah Song, and examine who is The World's Smallest Jewish Super-Hero?
There were a lot of Mayfairstivus listings that went beyond the above character cards that's I'd also like to catalog:
- A Mayfairstivus for the Rest of Us! Day 2
- Mayfairstivus Day 3 - Booster Gold Gaming Modules
- A Mayfairstivus for the Rest of Us! Day 6 - Skeets
- A Mayfairstivus for the Rest of Us! Day 7
- Mayfairstivus Day 8 & Out: The Time Sphere
- Firestorm Fan:
- Remembering the Game
- Mayfairstivus Day 2 – Firestorm
- Mayfairstivus Day 3 – Elemental Firestorm
- Mayfairstivus Day 6 – An Element of Danger Module
- Mayfairstivus Day 7 – The New Thinker and Brimstone
- Mayfairstivus Day 8 – Weasel, Mindboggler, Stalnoivolk and Zastrow
- Mayfairstivus Finale – Mayfairstivus – Multiplex and Plastique
- The Idol-Head of Diabolu:
- Despero's 1990 The Justice League Sourcebook Entry
- Despero in the Who's Who in the DC Universe Role-Playing Supplement 1
- Gypsy in the 1990 Mayfair Games DC Heroes The Justice League Sourcebook
- Justice League Detroit:
- Dale Gunn in the 1990 Justice League Sourcebook
- Steel - Deceased in the 1990 Mayfair Games DC Heroes The Justice League Sourcebook
- Vibe - Deceased in the 1990 Mayfair Games DC Heroes The Justice League Sourcebook
- Once Upon a Geek:
- DC Heroes RPG
- Mayfairstivus Day 2 – 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Edition
- Mayfairstivus – Be Part of the Legend
- Speed Force:
- Celebrating The Flash in the DC Heroes RPG
- Captains Cold & Boomerang in the 1989 DC Heroes RPG
- Supergirl Comic Box Commentary:
- Celebrating The Mayfair DC Heroes Role Playing Game
- Mayfairstivus Post 2: Supergirl In The DC Heroes Game (featuring the Legion of Super-Heroes)
- Mayfairstivus Post 3: Brainy And More Supergirl Stuff
Finally, here is the participating blogroll:
The Anti-Didio League of America
The Aquaman Shrine
Booster Gold: BOO$TERRIFIC
Comics Make Me Happy!
The Continuity Blog
DC Bloodlines
Diana Prince as The New Wonder Woman
Doom Patrol: My Greatest Adventure #80
Firestorm Fan
Flash: Speed Force
Girls Gone Geek
Green Lantern Corps: The Indigo Tribe
Hawkman: Being Carter Hall
Justice League Detroit
Martian Manhunter vs. The Idol-Head of Diabolu
Once Upon A Geek
Power of the Atom
Supergirl Comic Box Commentary
Just as a FYI, as the co-writer on the first Legion Sourcebook with Levitz, he basically supplied most of the history text, and I did the game statting. Paul took a look at the stats, and provided some info about how to rank characters (was Timber Wolf stronger than Colossal Boy was stronger than Ultra Boy?), but that was about it.
Cool! Thanks for the info, which I forwarded to Anj at Supergirl Comic Box Commentary...
I always assume the blank cards were for balancing purposes.
As I recall the whole deck was split in two and wrapped in clear plastic so I assumed the blank cards were to make both decks the same thickness.
Not sure why I thought this would matter but that was what I thought when I opened up the new set back in the day. :)
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