11 for '11: Things to Watch in the New Year - CHARACTERS
Comics wouldn’t be anything without characters. From the multi-faceted adventures of the X-Men to the beloved Charlie Brown in Peanuts, it’s the personalities on the page and on the screen in comics that make them memorable to kids and adults alike. In this year’s list, a menagerie of characters came forth -— running the gamut from super heroes to pulp icons and even a whip-smart explorer from Belgium. From long-running serials to newer heroes, and even a classic character brought back from the archives, 2011 is shaping up to be a banner year for comics and comics fans.11 for '11: Things to Watch in the New Year - CREATORS
From all stars doing their career-best to plucky unknowns out to blow you away, Newsarama has your cheat sheet for creators to watch in the new year.The 8 Biggest Comic Book News Stories of 2010
This was a tumultuous and paradoxical year for the comic book industry, particularly the areas we like to cover here at ComicsAlliance. The most talked about topics were those having to do with pronounced growth and irreversible change, both positive and negative -- sometimes simultaneously.Racists Totally Freak Out Over Muslim 'Batman of Paris'
Another day, another racist freakout over non-white superheroes. But unlike the hilariously dishonest racism we saw when the Council of Conservative Citizens called for a boycott of Marvel's Thor movie on account of mythical Norse god's depiction as a black man, a recent round of conservative attacks on Nightrunner -- DC's Muslim Batman of Paris -- are prejudicial in a more insidious way.Batman’s Politically Correct European Vacation
The whole situation is a misreading of what ails France. The truth is, neither communist Union members nor “Neo-Nazi” Parties are causing riots in France. Muslims are. Yet DC Comics is absurdly making a Muslim immigrant the “French savior”? This is PCism at its worst. Not only that but it is pretty condescending to France, too. France is a proud nation. Yet DC Comics has made a foreigner the “French savior.” This will not sit well with many Frenchmen, for sure. Nor should it.Why Do Conservatives Hate Superman?
But this feigned anger from the right got me thinking about all the other immigrant super heroes defending their adopted country. It made me ask, why do conservatives hate Superman?Even More of 2010′s Best Female Comic Creators
Amanda Conner has been a powerhouse of a cartoonist for a long time now, and as far as I’m concerned, one of the best cartoonists around – male or female, mainstream or indie.An Oral History of CAPTAIN MARVEL: The Fawcett Years, pt. 1
We’re going to take you on a trip through Captain Marvel’s history from the 1940s to the present. But this isn’t just any trip – guiding you will be some of the names most associated with the character over the years, who’ll be sharing their thoughts on the character and some incredible anecdotes.An Oral History of CAPTAIN MARVEL: The Fawcett Years, pt. 2
Paul Chadwick, the creator of Concrete, created this installment’s all-new art piece for Newsarama. And it looks like Captain Marvel’s found something a bit...off in the gallery of the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man...An Oral History of CAPTAIN MARVEL: The Fawcett Years, pt. 3
In addition to classic rarely seen art in each installment of our tribute, we’ve got all-new pieces from some of the best creators in the industry done exclusively for Newsarama.Comic Book Legends Revealed #292
What innovative comics project by George Romero and Marvel Comics never saw the light of day? Also, did a popular secret agent comic strip spawn two separate hit songs for its two main female characters? Find out today!Best Art Ever (This Week) - 12.26.10
The Absorbascon
Why the Holliday Girls Don't Need Men
The Scariest Place on Earth
The Aquaman Shrine
Justice League of America #200 - March 1982
Captain Action & Aquaman - 2010
AquaMemories: Aaron Bias
AquaSketch by Neil Vokes - 2010
DC Universe Legacies #8 - Feb. 2011
JLA Poster by Alex Ross - 2002
Armagideon Time
I can see the lights
The Cool Kids Table
The Jewish Justice League
Diana Prince: Wonder Woman
2010 The Comic Book Zodiac: Libra by Deaver Park Press
2005 Wonder Woman Art Book Piece by Brandon Peterson
Diversions of the Groovy Kind
Black Canary in "Television Told the Tale!" from Adventure Comics #399 (August 1970)
Every Day Is Like Wednesday
Trinity-Schminity: Wonder Woman not even in the top four
Firestorm Fan
Have you picked up Brightest Day #16 yet?
Girls Gone Geek
On the Eleventh Day of BatWondy …
On the Twelfth Day of BatWondy … The Case for Bruce and Diana
Green Lantern Butt's FOREVER!
Almost To the Finish Line!
The Idol-Head of Diabolu
Justice League America #37 (April, 1990)
Justice League America #38 (May, 1990)
Justice League America #39 (June, 1990)
Justice League America #40 (July, 1990)
1997 JLA Gallery: Don Hillsman
Jon's Random Acts of Geekery
Cool Stuff: Yes, More Batman Stuff!
Justice League Detroit
Justice League of America #178 (May, 1980)
Kevin Nowlan
Batgirl pin-up: 2003
Once Upon A Geek
REVIEW: DC Comics The 75th Anniversary Poster Book
Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine
Boy Commandos story, from Detective Comics #132, 1948
Power of the Atom
2010 Captain Atom Custom Statue by ~JokerZombie
Silver Age Comics
Mort Drucker Bio
Slay, Monstrobot of the Deep!!
Breaking Batman??
Subject : THE SUICIDE SQUAD (Task Force X)
Suicide Squad & Checkmate "mini - mes"
Supergirl Comic Box Commentary
Review: DCU Legacies #8
Back Issue Box: Christmas With The Super-Heroes #2
Review: Justice League Of America #52
The Thought Experiment
Daily Batman: Deeaaaaaaad
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