Contractual Changes On Creator Owned DC Comics
I understand from a number of impassioned pleas by Vertigo creators that there has been a major contractual change instigated at Vertigo. And indeed I’m now told it will apply to all new creator owned series at DC, Vertigo or otherwise.Remembering Adrienne Roy by Todd Klein
"During the ten years I spent on staff at DC in the Production Department I saw and spoke to her often, she was a busy colorist for all of those years (1977-87)..."Black & Blue: JAMES ROBINSON on the JLA's New Members
DC's March solicits reveal that Saint Walker is joining the JLA and Supergirl is going Dark. We chat with James Robinson for more.ROBINSON'S JLA pt. 2: 'Epic' ECLIPSO Arc Brings Changes
In part 2 of our interview, James Robinson discusses the upcoming Justice League Eclipso story arc.SOME MIDWEEK VARIANTS
GREEN ARROW #8 by David Mack, JUSTICE LEAGUE: GENERATION LOST #18 by Aaron Lopresti & Kevin Maguire, WONDER WOMAN #606 by Don Kramer and Alex GarnerCartoon Network's 'Young Justice' to Begin Regular Rotation on January 7
Opinions were split around these parts after the November 26 debut of Young Justice. Some folks were into the show's premise, which sees the Justice League sending their assembled sidekicks on covert ops, while others could only muster praise for the series' animation. Those initial impressions are about to be put to the test in full, however, as YJ finally begins regular rotation beginning Friday, January 7 at 7 p.m. on Cartoon Network.Five Comics Creators On Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
So, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell legislation has been repealed in the US, members of the armed forces will no longer be dismissed because someone discovers they are gay. But in all the political punditry, tweet wars and column inches, has anyone thought to find out what the comic creators think? Bleeding Cool did just that! By, um, cut-and-pasting from various other websites.'Blackest Night' Comes to Mattel's DC Universe Classics Wave 17
The new line will include White Lantern Hal Jordan (with Black Lantern variant), Orange Lantern Lex Luthor, Sinestro Corps Scarecrow (which should go well with the SC Batman), Star Sapphire Corps Wonder Woman, Blue Lantern Flash and Indigo Tribe Atom (with staff). This particular DCUC line's build-a-character will be modern Anti-Monitor, although not in his Sinestro Corps phase.Odd Superheroine Out: Katana by Noah Berlatsky
So, both narratively and visually, Katana deliberately denied the fanboys the flirty cheesecake they wanted. How did they respond?Unreleased Character Designs from 'Batman: Arkham Asylum' [Art]
Courtesy of artist Carlos D'Anda, the beautiful illustrations reveal the developers' desire to find a happy marriage between the classic and fairly simple appearances of Batman and his rogues' gallery and the more intricate and perhaps overly detailed 3D designs for which gaming technology finally allows.SUPERBOY's Jeff Lemire: A New But Steady DC Super-Writer
His run just 2 issues old, Jeff Lemire is already a tenured veteran in DC's Superman office. We talk with the SUPERBOY writer.VIDEO: The Superman Christmas Carol, “Jor-El, Jor-El”
Written and sung by Michelle Osorio. See, definitely Christmas time when this sort of stuff starts happening. Anyone fancy giving us a rousing rendition of “Good King Wakanda?”The 5 Most Insane Christmas Comics Of All Time
Despite the fact that a good chunk of my floorspace is taken up with long boxes and bookshelves, I consider myself more of a "reader" than a "collector," except for two things I hoard shamelessly: Christmas comics and Abraham Lincoln appearances. If I see Santa Claus or our 16th President in a comic book, I buy it -- no questions asked.There's No Wrong Way to Enjoy the Art of Sean Phillips [Gallery]
If you've enjoyed Sean Phillips' soft and gritty style in Incognito or Marvel Zombies, there's no reason at all that you shouldn't have already stumbled across his ever-expanding feed of sketches and watercolored side work.Best Art Ever (This Week) - 12.18.10
The proliferation of social media is an incredible boon for lovers of comic book art, design and illustration. Sites like Flickr, Tumblr, DeviantArt and other countless blogs and feeds bombard us with a ceaseless supply of artwork by professionals and fans that is variously excellent, clever, funny, innovative, and numerous degrees of awesome.CA's Holiday Card Series: The Night Before Christmas (By Nedroid)
The Absorbascon
Bystanders: Who They Are and How They Came to Be
Heroclix Map: the Crime Lab
The Aquaman Shrine
Brightest Day #16 - Feb. 2011
Justice League of America #200 - March 1982
Aquaman: Deepwater Disaster
JLA Gallery: Chuck Wojtkiewicz
Retro-Action Aquaman - 2010
Retro-Action Black Manta - 2010
DC First Day Stamps - 2006
Armagideon Time
Nobody Else’s Favorites: Laurel Gand
Being Carter Hall
Live Action Hawkgirl?
Hawkgirl Sketch By Diego Bernard
Blinded Me With Comics
Insert Preview Here: DC Showcase, 80s Style
Booster Gold Is a Character
10 Best Superhero Comics of 2010
Comics Make Me Happy!
Custom Green Lantern iPad by Jim Lee
Comics Oughta Be Fun!
Please don't sue us, DC
Corner Symbols of Coolness
Diana Prince: Wonder Woman
2003 Emerald City Comicon Wonder Woman Commission by Matt Haley
Diversions of the Groovy Kind
Sugar & Spike in "Who Saw What?" and "The Mixed-Up Mix-Up!" by Sheldon Mayer
"Christmas in an Outlaw Town" from onah Hex #34 (December 1979)
Every Day Is Like Wednesday
DC's March previews reviewed
Firestorm Fan
Feuersturm gegen Schwarzer Bison
Gay for Lois Lane
"The Musical Murder of Superman!" from Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane #65 (1966)
Girls Gone Geek
Twelve Days of BatWondy!
On the Second Day of Batwondy …
On the Third Day of BatWondy …
On the Fourth Day of BatWondy …
On the Fifth Day of BatWondy …
On the Sixth Day of BatWondy …
On the Seventh Day of BatWondy …
On the Eighth Day of BatWondy …
On the Ninth Day of BatWondy …
On the Tenth Day of BatWondy …
The Idol-Head of Diabolu
2010 Despero versus the Justice League Personal Sketch Card by Don Hillsman II
Despero Head Sketch by Carlos Pacheco
1997 Wizard's JLA Special: Monitor Duty
2010 Justice League & Super-Hero Custom Ceramic Dresser Knobs by 2cute2miss
The Indigo Tribe
The Green Lantern Special #1
Green Lantern: Ganthet’s Tale
Jon's Random Acts of Geekery
The Art of Neal Adams, Vol. 2!
Cool Stuff: Bat-Stuff!
Cool Stuff: More Bat-Stuff!
Justice League Detroit
2010 Zatanna "Passé" Commission by Matt Haley
Kevin Nowlan
"Despair" bust designs
Nothing But Batman
The Girlfriends, Silver Age Edition: Batwoman
Once Upon A Geek
I Miss Discount Comic Boxes
Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine
The Golden Age Blue Beetle in Fox's Big 3 Comics #4 (1941) (Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine)
Blackhawk #55 (1952)
Power of the Atom
2009 Golden Age Atom HeroesCon Sketch by Rod Whigham
Pretty, Fizzy Paradise
Why I Find Damian Wayne Funny:
Reilly2040's Blog
Green Lantern #60
The Return of Bruce Wayne
Silver Age Comics
Supergirl's Skirt
GI Combat #125
Siskoid's Blog of Geekery
Reign of the Supermen #58: Composite Superman/Batman Rocket Ship
Reign of the Supermen #64: Superman, Warrior of Mars
Slay, Monstrobot of the Deep!!
Great Moments In Hal Jordan Beatdowns
Rappin' With Robin
At Least It Wasn't Sharon Stone?
Speed Force
Flash First Impressions: Why I don’t like Joan Garrick
Subject : THE SUICIDE SQUAD (Task Force X)
Suicide Squad fan made costumes!
Supergirl Comic Box Commentary
Review: Supergirl #59
Review: Superman #706
Bullet Review: Titans #30
The Thought Experiment
Daily Batman: Batman and Robin love a gay party
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