RIP: Adrienne Roy
Adrienne Roy, a popular colorist of the ’80s and beyond, has passed away, an email from her ex husband Tony Tollin informs us. She was only 57."Steel #1" and the State of the Superhero Comic
In anticipation of next month's "Steel" one-shot, ROBOT 6's Sean T. Collins considers the character he calls "one of the most undervalued characters and designs in DC’s pantheon."DC Comics Solicitations for March, 2011
DC Comics has released solicitation information and images for new comics and products shipping in March 2011, including the opening salvo of "War of the Green Lanterns," the latest from "Brightest Day" and more.The Man Who Helped Start Both Marvel & DC
For one, Levitz pointed out that the very first comics published by Marvel and DC were edited by the same man (and he thus compared the two’s subsequent symbiotic histories to being like Cain and Abel going out into the world.)Lopresti, Van Hook & Maguire Explore DC's "Weird Worlds"
Aaron Lopresti, Kevin Van Hook and Kevin Maguire spoke with us about their upcoming miniseries exploring the various facets of the DCU, from the depths of Earth's sewers to the far reaches of space.Marriage, Kryptonian Style
Something tells me that every blog in the world will be linking to this shortly. A marriage ceremony with two Superfans, Beth Reed and JC Vallacqua, recreating the look of a Kryptonian Wedding, as seen in the Superman comic book.Anti-Islamists Against Batman
...And in the two-part Batman Inc story written by David Hine, appearing in Detective Comics Annual and next week’s Batman Annual, we met the new French Batman, Night Runner, who happens to be an Algerian Muslim immigrant...Comics Should Be Good's Top 50 Comic Book Writers
Here is the master list of the writers voted by you by your ballots (over one thousand ballots cast!) as your favorite writers of all-time! Here is the Top 50 Comic Book Artists Master List!The Year in Stank by Tucker Stone
Not the bad ones--the filler tie-ins, the banal mini-series, the things about vampires in Ancient Rome. No, the comics I'm talking about are the mind-blowingly wrong ones...ROBERT KIRKMAN & TONY MOORE at VICE
"John Byrne is the top candidate on that list of people you meet who turn out to be a-holes and that ends up being disheartening..."The Line It Is Drawn #20 – Comic Book Characters/TV Dramas
So every week, I ask a question here. You reply to it on our Twitter page (just write @csbg with your reply) and our SIX blog sketch artists will each pick one of your suggestions and I will post them here every week. So every week you will have a new question and you will see the top six choices from the previous week.Comic Book Legends Revealed #291
This week, learn how two comic book fans helped foil a million-dollar art forgery scam! Discover the macabre coincidence regarding the cancellation of Buck Jones' comic book feature! Plus, did Asterix and Superman ever team up?BLOGS
The Absorbascon
Lack of Education: A Rant.
The Aquaman Shrine
"Mera" by Rob Kelly
Free Comic Book Day 2011
Aquaman & Topo by Evan "Doc" Shaner
Indiana State Basketball Program - 2010
Post Cereal Trading Card - 1981
Historias Fantasticas #170 - 1967
Aquaman by Ramona Fradon & Marie Severin, Pt. 2
Armagideon Time
Burn, baby, burn
Being Carter Hall
Read: Brightest Day #13
Comics Make Me Happy!
1989 Mayfair Games DC Heroes Fire Character Card front
Diana Prince: Wonder Woman
2006 Wonder Woman by Dan Panosian
Diversions of the Groovy Kind
"The Mercenary!" from Weird War Tales #61 (December 1977)
Every Day Is Like Wednesday
Some girls just don't appreciate traditional holiday icons. Like Lex Luthor. And that lady from G-Force.
Given that this panel is from a Kevin Smith-scripted comic...
Firestorm Fan
David Finch Brightest Day Cover for January
Green Lantern Butt's FOREVER!
Green Lantern #60
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #5
The Idol-Head of Despero
1993 Skybox DC Cosmic Teams Card #30
1993 Skybox DC Cosmic Teams Card #124: Despero
1995 Skybox DC Power Chrome Legends '95 #53: Despero
Justice League Detroit
1989 Aquaman "Where Were You?" Commission by Adam Hughes
Kingdom Kane
"The Oddest Man On Earth!" from The Atom No. 2, August-September 1962
Once Upon A Geek
Superhero Underwear: If you buy these, please don’t tell me
Power of the Atom
Justice League of America #177-178 (April-May, 1980)
June 19, 2009 "I Found Ray Palmer" photo featuring VictoriaCosplay
Silver Age Comics
Was There A Plan "C" for Clark?
More Homages
Siskoid's Blog of Geekery
Reign of the Supermen #50: Golden Age Superman
Reign of the Supermen #51: Superman Inc.
Reign of the Supermen #53: Superman as Captain Marvel
Reign of the Supermen #55: The Three Substitute Supermen
Reign of the Supermen #56: Composite-Superman
Subject : THE SUICIDE SQUAD (Task Force X)
Why didn't the Squad ever run into The Swamp Thing?
Supergirl Comic Box Commentary
Well That Was Fast! Nick Spencer Off Supergirl
Shrine: Superwoman Action Figure
Review: R.E.B.E.L.S. #23
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