Original DC Comics Blue Devil proposal circa 1983
Gary Cohn, co-creator and co-writer of DC’s Blue Devil, was kind enough to send copies of the original pitches used to sell the idea of Blue Devil to DC Comics. For the first time ever, these proposals are being made available here for fans to read! All the artwork displayed in this post comes from these proposals. To my knowledge, some of these drawings have never been seen by the general public before now.DAYBREAK: Robinson's JLA/JSA Crossover
CBR spoke with James Robinson about the "world-shattering, world-in-peril" story he and Mark Bagley are set to deliver in DC's two biggest team books: "Justice League of America" and "Justice Society of America."Georges Jeanty Draws "Bruce Wayne"
In an unexpected move, DC Comics has tapped the "Buffy Season 8" artist for the cowboy-themed fourth issue of Grant Morrison's time-traveling Batman epic, replacing Cameron Stewart who's on to other projects.20 Questions: Palmiotti & Gray on "Jonah Hex"
CBR News spoke with writers Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray about the Jonah Hex original graphic novel, "No Way Back," the character's ongoing series, the forthcoming movie and much more.Swamp Thing Returns To The DC Universe. And He’s Bringing His Friends
China Miéville’s Swamp Thing Run That Never Was
China Miéville, award winning English sci-fi novelist and socialist politician with repeat Hugo nominations for his novels Perdido Street Station, The Scar, Iron Council and The City & The City was approached by Vertigo to start Swamp Thing afresh. It was canned even before it was announced, to make way for a new DC Universe Swamp Thing title.Christopher Nolan On Batman And Superman Movies
From the new issue of Empire Magazine, two quotes from director Christopher Nolan.French Designers Take On DC Comics – Lagerfield To Repetto
Supergirl Panel At The Phoenix ComiconBatman: The Brave and the Bold The Videogame
Team up and fight alongside Batman and other superheroes using iconic gadgets while fighting against the most notorious villains in the DC Universe. Discover what it's like to be a superhero in Batman: The Brave and the Bold the Videogame!AICN COMICS chats with SWEET TOOTH's Jeff Lemire
Mark Chiarello talks about Wednesday Comics
5 With the CCO: A Monthly Chat with DC's GEOFF JOHNS
Vaneta Rogers begins a monthly series of chats with writer and DC Entertainment's Chief Creative OfficerClose out your day with a look at some upcoming variant covers
DC Comics vs Asian Americans (Adventures of Comic Book Girl)
Wonder Woman and Supergirl by Barry Kitson with colors by Paul Renaud (Amazon Princess)
DC Superheroes Stickers - 1982 (The Aquaman Shrine)
Argentinian Pepsi Album - 1979 (The Aquaman Shrine)
The Aqua-Cake! (The Aquaman Shrine)
Hawkman Sketch By Andy Kuhn (Being Carter Hall)
After the Blackest Night....? (Comics Make Me Happy!)
Requiem for Damage (The Cool Kids Table)
The Hunted became The Huntress (Diana Prince: Wonder Woman)
An important update on the state of squirrels in the Green Lantern Corps: (Every Day Is Like Wednesday)
Brightest Day Speculation – What’s Going on with the Nuclear Man? (Firestorm Fan)
Hey, Aquaman Does Not Need A New Costume! (Justice League Detroit)
Brightest Day... Oh, You're Being IRONIC! (Siskoid's Blog of Geekery)
2010 "DC Ultra Spread C" by Gilbert Monsanto (The Idol-Head of Diabolu)
The first extra-DC art I've seen of J'Onn J'Onzz in his new Brightest Day get-up, with Firestorm, Hawkman, Deadman, Aquaman and the Flash.
I really enjoyed the French designers article, and spazzed out when I saw the Flash Repetto shoes. Repetto is a big French ballet shoe company, and that's probably the first and only time I'll ever see a marriage between the two great loves of my life. But seriously...that money better be going to charity because the price of that t-shirt could feed a small country.
Yeah, all of the items were overpriced, but some were insane for items not dissimilar from stuff found at Wall*Mart.
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