Paul Cornell: A DC Exclusive
The writer who made his name on cult Marvel hits like "Captain Britain & MI-13" moves lock, stock and barrel to DC with his incoming run on "Action Comics" getting the ball rolling towards its 900th issue.Did DiDio Really Use McDuffie’s JLA And The Great Ten To Defend DC’s Diversity Record?
In a recent interview at CBR talking to Jim Lee and Dan DiDio, the question of criticism of DC’s handling of racial matters in its books was broached...Western Meets Noir in GUÉRA's Art on SCALPED
Artist R. M. Guéra talks extensively with us about his art on Scalped, other titles, and his working relationship with Jason Aaron.Infographic: SUPERMAN History: 1938 to 2010
A look back at the rich history of the Man of Steel.10 Things You Might Not Know About SUPERMAN
As Superman sets to celebrate 700 issue of his eponymous comic book, we look at some lesser-known facts about the Man of Steel.The Many Tomorrows of Superman
Longtime DC Comics editor Bob Greenberger stopped by COMIC SHOULD BE GOOD to examine Superman's past in expectation of J. Michael Straczynski's first issue of "Superman," which hits stands tomorrow, June 23.Chip Kidd's introduction for the Absolute Edition of All-Star Superman
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: "Batman: Streets of Gotham" #13
Courtesy of DC Comics, CBR presents an exclusive preview of "Batman: Streets of Gotham" #13, written by Paul Dini and Marc Andreyko with art by Dustin Nguyen and Jeremy Haun. The issue goes on sale June 23.Exclusive Preview: ZATANNA #2
PAUL DINI's 2nd issue of ZATANNA ships this week and we have an exclusive preview.Preview: Justice League: Generation Lost #4
DC's biweekly Justice League event continues here! The heroes of the once-great Justice League International – Booster Gold, Captain Atom, Fire and Ice – have reteamed in order to stop a threat to all mankind.PREVIEW: Green Lantern Corps #49
Brightest Day continues scorching with "The Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns" as the Alphas seek to recruit John Stewart, Kyle Rayner and even former Guardian Ganthet into their ranks! What is their ultimate goal – and who is the mastermind behind it all?PREVIEW: Green Arrow #1
BRIGHTEST DAY shines its light on Star City in this oversized first issue from up-and-coming writer J.T. Krul (BLACKEST NIGHT: TITANS, GREEN ARROW #30) and future superstar artist Diogenes Neves (New Mutants)!PREVIEW: "The Flash #3"
DC Comics has released a preview for "The Flash" #3 written by Geoff Johns with art by Francis Manapul. The issue, which features the recently resurrected Captain Boomerang, is scheduled to hit stores next Wednesday, June 30.BLOGS
chibi wonder (Amazon Princess)Crisis on Two Earths Model Sheets - 2009 (The Aquaman Shrine)
I guess Green Arrow really does have an arrow for every occassion. (Every Day Is Like Wednesday)
1988 Justice League International Postcards: Martian Manhunter (The Idol-Head of Diabolu)
DC Adventures RPG – Coming Soon! (Once Upon A Geek)
1988 Justice League International Postcards: Captain Atom (Power of the Atom)
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