WONDER WOMAN Gets a New Costume, Direction in Issue #600
WONDER WOMAN #600 comes out this week and apparently with the milestone issue comes a new look and direction for iconic characterJMS Talks WONDER WOMAN's New Look and New Direction
Wonder Woman's new business-casual costume is making national headlines, we talk to J. Michael Straczynski about itVariant Covers!
: BATMAN: RETURN OF BRUCE WAYNE #4 by Cameron Stewart, TIME MASTERS: VANISHING POINT #1 by Chris Sprouse, BRIGHTEST DAY #6 by David Finch & ZATANNA #3 by Brian BollandPaul Cornell: Ready For "Action"
With Paul Cornell's first comic as a DC exclusive creator ready to hit stores, the writer known for his takes on British superheroes explains how he'll make America's longest-running comic book a supervillain punch-up.DC Heroes Kick it On French Sneakers
Comic book fans are constantly representing their favorite superheroes with T-Shirts and baseball caps among other apparel, so why should sneakers be any different?Philip Tan Tweets Artwork Like You Wouldn't Believe
Philip Tan's career in comics has spanned "Spawn" and Grant Morrison's "Batman and Robin," and you've probably seen a wide range of reactions to his work regarding the latter. What you haven't seen if you've not been following Tan's Twitter account, however, are the stacks of sketches and commissions that he frequently posts, all of which would be worthy prizes for art buyers who happen to run across his table in an artists alley somewhere.Early Michael Avon Oeming Penguin Sketch
"found some files of old sketches I'll keep uploading"Wonder Woman #600 Adam Hughes pin-up
Wonder Woman #600 Nicola Scott pin-up
Comics Alliance's The Top 5 Episodes of 'Batman Beyond'
All in all, there were 52 episodes of "Batman Beyond" (plus a couple of appearances on the "Justice League" cartoons and a crossover with "Static Shock" and a pretty awesome movie), so over the past week, I've been sitting down with the entire series to pick out the five best!The 7 Scenes We'd Want To See in a Cary Bates Superman Movie
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: "Joker's Asylum: Clayface"
Courtesy of DC Comics, CBR presents an exclusive preview of "Joker's Asylum: Clayface" by writer Kevin Shinick and artist Kelley Jones. The one-shot oozes its way into stores Wednesday, June 30.Exclusive Preview: JUSTICE SOCIETY #40 (+ GREEN LANTERN #55)
An exclusive preview of this week's JSA and a bonus look at Green Lantern #55 with Lobo!BLOGS
Amazon Princess
Amazonia elseworlds cosplay wonder woman
The Aquaman Shrine
DC 75 WB Store Ad - 2010
Aquaman Desktop Wallpaper
Happy (Belated) Anniversary Arthur & Mera!
Being Carter Hall
Read: Brightest Day #3
Comics Make Me Happy!
You Asked For It...
Every Day Is Like Wednesday
Arthur Curry vs. The World
Reilly2040's Blog
Green Lantern Corps #49
Slay, Monstrobot of the Deep!!
Well, since Broody Superman is going to be "walking the country..."
Supergirl Comic Box Commentary
Supergirl In Next DC Animated Movie!
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