"Green Lantern" Movie Details Hit Internet
We're a little more than a year away from the release of the "Green Lantern" movie, and it appears as though the official synopsis for the highly anticipated Warner Bros. film has hit the internet. SPINOFF has the details.
DOUG MAHNKE Recharges His Battery for Long GREEN LANTERN Run
1 year ago, pre-Blackest Night DOUG MAHNKE joined GREEN LANTERN. He's now ready for a long-run with Geoff Johns
PREVIEW: "Brightest Day" #3
DC Comics has released a preview for "Brightest Day" #3, on sale Thursday, June 3, by the creative team of Geoff Johns, Peter J. Tomasi, Ivan Reis, Pat Gleason, Ardian Syaf, Scott Clark and Joe Prado with a David Finch cover.
When Words Collide
Tim explores the atomic wasteland of 1986 to learn more about the cave men of New York, the wonder of jazz, and the power of positive thinking as he takes a close look at DC Comics' new "Atomic Knights" hardcover.
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: "The Joker's Asylum: The Riddler"
Courtesy of DC Comics, CBR presents an exclusive preview of "The Joker's Asylum: The Riddler" by Peter Calloway and Clayton Henry. The one-shot, with an Ethan Van Sciver cover, hits stores June 3.
John Cassaday’s cover to Superman #702 (DC Source)
Gene Colan – His Health, His Wealth And Exactly What Happened (Bleeding Cool)
TOTAL RECHARGE: Berganza on "Green Lantern" (CBR)
Firestorm Custom Statue (Firestorm Fan)
Check out this gorgeous Firestorm custom statue! Simply breathtaking. cont...
Blue Devil DC Universe Classics Action Figure (Once Upon A Geek)
Mattel’s DC Universe Classics Blue Devil action figure has finally hit stores! A friend of mine was kind enough to help me obtain one since I’m lousy at finding new figures before the collectors snatch them up. I’m happy to report that this is a really nice looking Blue Devil figure! cont...
Green Lantern Corps #48 Review (Reilly2040's Blog)
This week brought us the first issue of Green Lantern Corps by new writer Tony Bedard, and it was a great start to his run. cont...
Bold Fashion Choices--Clark Kent! (Slay, Monstrobot of the Deep!!)
Superboy's stunningly banal ensemble was revealed in The New Adventures Of Superboy #9 (1980)cont...
And Then I Read: ADVENTURE 7-9 (Todd Klein's Blog)Wonder Woman by Cully Hamner (Amazon Princess)
I tried to enjoy this revamp of ADVENTURE, I really did. cont...
Legends of the DC Universe #26 - March 2000 (The Aquaman Shrine)
Hawkman Sketch By Yildiray Cinar (Being Carter Hall)
A Random Number of Adam Strange Covers That I Think Are Pretty Good (Comics Make Me Happy!)
Green Lantern #54 (Green Lantern Butt's FOREVER!)
Review: Justice League Of America #45 (Supergirl Comic Box Commentary)
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