Look for us on iTunes, ShoutEngine or the Internet Archive, where you can also directly download an art-tagged MP3.
The show returns as part of a multi-blog/podcast crossover covering the 1992 DC Annual event Eclipso: The Darkness Within by offering a detailed account of the first three decades of the villain's career derived from numerous print and online sources. Created by Bob Haney and Lee Elias in 1963, Eclipso appeared in House of Secrets for 19 issues before moving on to guest roles in Justice League of America, Metal Men, Green Lantern, Adventure Comics, Outsiders, The Phantom Stranger and more! See the misadventures of Bruce Gordon, Mona & Simon Bennett as they combat the super-villain!
#BestEventEver Eclipso
- Hero History of Eclipso
- Eclipso-- Hero and Villain in One Man!
- Eclipso ‘66 Merchandise on The Retroist
- Playing Cards With Batman – Part One
- Playing Cards With Batman – Part Two
- The Brave and Bold #64
- Starman #42-45 on Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill
- Starman #43 (1992)
- Starman #44 (1992)
- Starman #45 (1992)
- Starman #42-45 Podcast
- Eclipso: The Darkness Within #1
♦ Chris Is On Infinite Earths - Superman: The Man of Steel Annual #1
♦ Resurrections-An Adam Warlock Podcast Episode 61 - Green Lantern Annual #1
♦ For the Non-Discerning Reader - Detective Comics Annual #5
♦ For the Non-Discerning Reader - Superman Annual #4
♦ For the Non-Discerning Reader - Justice League America Annual #6
♦ Professor Alan's Comic Book Reading Journal - The Demon Annual #1
♦ Professor Alan's Comic Book Reading Journal - The Flash Annual #5
♦ Coffee & Comics Podcast - Action Comics Annual #4
♦ Professor Alan's Comic Book Reading Journal - Wonder Woman Annual #3
♦ Diana Prince is the New Wonder Woman - Green Arrow Annual #5
♦ Professor Alan's Comic Book Reading Journal - Robin Annual #1
♦ Chris Is On Infinite Earths - Hawkworld Annual #3
♦ Pop Culture Palace Presents - Deathstroke: The Terminator Annual #1
♦ Diana Prince is the New Wonder Woman - The New Titans Annual #8
♦ Diana Prince is the New Wonder Woman - Justice League Europe Annual #3
♦ Resurrections-An Adam Warlock Podcast Episode 62 - Batman Annual #16
♦ Professor Alan's Comic Book Reading Journal - L.E.G.I.O.N. '92 Annual #3
♦ I'm the Gun - The Adventures of Superman Annual #4
♦ Professor Alan's Comic Book Reading Journal - Eclipso: The Darkness Within #2
♦ I'm the Gun
♦ Professor Alan's Comic Book Reading Journal
- Valor #1

- Tweet host Diabolu Frank directly, or probe @rolledspine as a group.
- Email Diabolu
- Rolled Spine Podcasts Facebook, which Frank hates and has nothing to do with.
- If the main DC Bloodlines blog isn't your thing, try the umbrella Rolled Spine Podcasts.