Look for us on iTunes, Spotify or the Internet Archive, where you can also directly download an art-tagged MP3.
Julia Raul returns to join Diabolu Frank for the finale of our JLMay 2023 / Milestone Media trilogy of episodes. Since the previous shows tended toward paired character spotlights, we have to take a kitchen sink approach now, looking at the first year-plus of the series Blood Syndicate & Icon and the earliest Shadow Cabinet, including its launch event "Shadow War." We also return to Hardware and Static through to the intracompany event "Worlds Collide," restoring our theme and mandate by mingling in with DC's Superman Family of titles (well, the creative teams that aren't afraid to drive through the dark side of town, anyway.) Along the way, we talk Vixen, Black Canary, Green Lantern John Stewart, Steel, and more. In case you missed it, these episodes have covered every story from the trade paperback The Brave and the Bold: Milestone, which means it's time to visit the early issues of Xombi, including David Kim's team-up with the Crispus Allen incarnation of The Spectre from The Brave and the Bold #25 in the story "Annihilating Angel" by John Rozum & Scott Hampton.
JLMay 2023 will cover the third volume of DC Comics' The Brave and the Bold (2007-2010), which ran 35 issues. There's only 31 days in the month, so we'll run a list of all the issues with links to the podcasts intent on covering them until the actual shows turn up, individual or in groups...
- Batman & Green Lantern on The Overlooked Dark Knight ep 76
- Green Lantern & Supergirl on Dial F For Flanger ep 19
- Batman & Blue Beetle on The Bat-Pod ep # 111
- Supergirl & Lobo on L.E.G.I.O.N.P.O.D.Cast Episode 141
- Batman & the Legion of Super Heroes on Tales of the Legion Project
- Green Lantern & Batman on The Newsprint Commando
- Wonder Woman & Power Girl on The Wright On Network Presents
- The Flash & Doom Patrol on Fanholes Podcast ep 105
- Star-Studded Spectacular on The JusticeTrek JT0008
- Superman/Silent Knight & Aquaman/Teen Titans! on Pop Culture Affidavit Episode 143
- Superman & Ultraman @ Fortress of Baileytude
- Everybody on Longbox Crusade - Episode 038
- Batman & Jay Garrick on Resurrections- An Adam Warlock and Thanos Podcast ep 175
- Deadman & Green Arrow on The Coffee & Comics Podcast ep. 84
- Nightwing & Hawkman on Married With Comics
- Superman & Catwoman on Superman in Crisis
- Supergirl & Raven on Dial F For Flanger ep 20
- Raven & Supergirl on Dial F For Flanger ep 20
- Green Lantern & Phantom Stranger on The LanternCast #516
- Green Lantern & Phantom Stranger on The LanternCast #516
- Green Lantern & Green Arrow on The Podcast of Oa Episode 224
- Green Lantern & Green Arrow on The Podcast of Oa Episode 224
- Booster Gold & Magog on Justice League International: Bwah-Ha-Ha Podcast ep 53
- Black Lightning & Static on DC Bloodlines ep 18
- Hardware & Blue Beetle on DC Bloodlines ep 19
- Xombi & The Spectre @ DC Bloodlines
- Batman & Dial H For Hero on The Bat-Pod ep # 113
- Blackhawk & The Flash on Weird Warriors Podcast Ep. 48
- Batman & Brother Power The Geek on The Brave and the Bob!
- Green Lantern & Doctor Fate on Once Upon A Geek 11
- The Joker and The Atom on The Head Speaks Episode 70
- Aquaman & The Demon on The Fire and Water Podcast ep. 254
- Wonder Woman, Zatanna, & Batgirl on The Wright On Network Presents
- The Doom Patrol & Legion of Super-Heroes on Waiting for Doom Podcast Episode 184
- The Inferior Five & Legion of Substitute Heroes on Waiting for Doom Podcast Episode 184
Spill Some Blood!!!* *across social media only.
- Tweet host Diabolu Frank directly, tag #DCBloodlines, or probe @rolledspine as a group.
- Email Diabolu
- Rolled Spine Podcasts Facebook, which Frank hates and has nothing to do with.
- If the main DC Bloodlines blog isn't your thing, try the umbrella Rolled Spine Podcasts.