Friday, July 5, 2024

Comic Reader Résumé Podcast #24

(July 1986)

Internet ArchiveMP3Spotify

ré·su·mé [rez-oo-mey, rez-oo-mey] noun 1. a summing up; summary. 2. a brief written account of personal, educational, and professional qualifications and experience, as that prepared by an applicant for a job.
In Comic Reader Résumé, I use Mike’s Amazing World of Comics to travel back through time via his virtual newsstand to the genesis point of my lifelong collecting of comics. From there, I can offer a “work history” of my fandom through my active purchasing of (relatively) new comic books beginning in January of 1982, when my interest in the medium went from sporadic and unformed to routine on through compulsive accumulation. To streamline the narrative and keep the subjects at least remotely contemporaneous, I will not generally be discussing what we call back issues: books bought long after their publication date. Sometimes, I will cover a book published on a given month that I picked up within a year or so that date, and I give myself an especially wide berth on this aspect in the first couple of “origins” episodes. We’ll get more rigidly on point as my memories crystallize and my “hobby” spirals out of control into the defining characteristic of my life (eventually outpacing squalor and competing neuroses.) It’s part personal biography, part industry history, and admittedly totally self-indulgent on my part.

This episode includes Alpha Flight #39-40, Captain America #322-323, Casper #225, Classic X-Men #2, G.I. Joe a Real American Hero #52, Mark Hazzard: Merc #1, Marvel Saga #11, The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #11-12, Psi-Force #1, Richie Rich #219, Son of Ambush Bug #4-6, Super Powers Vol. 3 #2, Uncanny X-Men #210, X-Factor #9, and more!

“Transcripts” Alpha Flight, Big Trouble in Little China, Captain America, Cracked, DC Comics, G.I. Joe, Marvel Comics, New Universe, Pac-Man, Spider-Man, Super Powers, Wolverine, X-Factor, X-Men, Atari, Maximum Overdrive, Movies, Music, Q*bert, Superman, Video Games, Comic Reader Résumé

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